Why You Should Go to an Independent Hearing Clinic

Being concerned about your hearing or that of your child, can be a scary time. Deciding where to go to for help is tricky. There are lots of hearing clinics around, but not all clinics are independent clinics. Some are owned by large chains or manufacturers. When you have a hearing loss, you want the advice that is best for your individual circumstances, not advice that is influenced by ownership or profit margins. At Find My Hearing Clinic, we believe independent hearing clinics can provide you with this. We have put together this blog about why going to an independent hearing clinic is important.
Every person with a hearing loss is different. If you have a hearing loss, your ears, your hearing, your lifestyle is unique to you. Therefore, it is important that the management of your hearing loss is tailored to you. The difficulty with big hearing clinic chains is that they are governed by processes and structures that do not always allow for the individualised care that you or your child needs. Independent hearing clinics have the flexibility to take the time to understand what you need, and tailor a solutions package for you. This is called patient-centered care, and it puts you, as the person being looked after, at the centre of your hearing rehabilitation. You, and your needs are the focus. It means the hearing care professional you see can give you the extra appointment you might need without worrying about the company’s policies, because they have this flexibility. This enables you to get individualised care that helps you reach your goals faster.
Further, many of the large hearing chains, are owned by hearing aid manufacturers. These clinics primarily recommend the hearing aids of the manufacturer who owns them. This means, if you need a hearing aid, rather than being offered the best options from all available hearing aids – and there are a lot – you will be offered the best options from the brand that owns the clinic. Your hearing is important, and hearing aids are a significant investment. You deserve advice on options that is not biased by the ownership of the clinic. If you need hearing aids, you should get the ones that are best suited to your needs, and these may not be the brand of the manufacturer that owns the clinic. Hearing aid technology is constantly evolving with different hearing aid brands giving better outcomes depending on what technology they incorporate. An independent clinic has the flexibility of changing brands when new technology becomes available, so they are always fitting the best options to you.
Large hearing aid chains are also generally owned by overseas companies. This means, when you spend your money with these companies, it goes overseas, not back into your local community. With a local independent hearing clinic, the money you spend goes back into your local community because the clinic is owned by locals. Many local independent hearing clinics are also very involved with their local community because this is where they owners live, where they work, and where their children grow up. This gives them insight into the local community and their needs.
At Find My Hearing Clinic, we recognise that knowing which hearing clinics are independent can be a challenge. This is why Find My Hearing Clinic was established. This directory allows you find your local independent hearing clinic so you can receive the unbiased, personalised service that you need to achieve your best hearing outcomes.
If you think you may have a hearing loss, the best place to start is to have a hearing test with your local independent hearing clinic. By seeing your local independent hearing clinic, not only can you be sure you will receive the best independent advice for your needs, but you are also supporting a business within your local community.
You can find your local independent hearing clinic, through Find My Hearing Clinic – Clinic Locator