When Should I Have My Child’s Hearing Tested?

Children need to hear well to develop their speech and language, learn to socialise, and do well at school. While a small proportion of children will experience permanent, sensorineural hearing loss, the more common type of hearing loss in children is conductive and temporary.
Children are more prone to this type of hearing loss due to their smaller anatomy. While for many children a conductive, temporary hearing loss will resolve on its own, for some children it persists and needs treatment so it does not affect their development. This blog will cover the things to look for that indicate your child needs a hearing test.
Speech Difficulties
A child needs to hear well to learn how to speak. If they are having trouble learning to talk, or their speech development goes backwards, it might be a sign that they are not hearing well.
Not Listening
While it is not uncommon for children to go through phases of not listening well, it can be a sign they are having trouble hearing. If your child is not listening well, or requiring lots of things to be repeated, it is a good idea to get their hearing checked. If it turns out they have a hearing loss, this can be addressed, and your hearing care professional can give you tactics to help with communication until it is resolved. If the results show your child does not have a hearing loss, then you have ruled this out and can work on the appropriate behaviours.
Struggling at School
Hearing difficulties can cause problems in several ways at school. If your child has a hearing loss, they may struggle to settle in, struggle to make the required academic progress, get into trouble for not listening, or not socialise well. Often difficulties settling into school are identified at about this time of year, particularly for children new to school. While there can be many reasons why a child may struggle to settle into school, it is a good idea to have a hearing test, so you know that they are hearing well.
Turn Everything Up
Is your child turning the TV or other devices up loudly? If so, they may not be hearing well. Children will turn up a device if they cannot hear it. So, if you find you are having a constant battle because your child is listening to the TV and other devices at a loud volume, get their hearing checked.
Have had Lots of Ear Infections
It is normal for a child’s hearing to be affected when they have an ear infection, and usually the hearing will resolve on its own within a few weeks from the infection clearing. However, when a child has lots of ear infections, the hearing loss can persist. If your child has had lots of ear infections, or a singular ear infection following which their hearing does not appear to have recovered, they may have a hearing loss and require a hearing test.
Have a Regression in Behaviour
Not being able to hear well is both frustrating ad exhausting. Sometimes the indicator that a child has a hearing loss is a regression in their behaviour due to this frustration and exhaustion. If your child’s behaviour regresses without explanation, a hearing test can help you determine if it is because of a hearing loss.
You are Concerned
You know your child best. Often a parent can have an inkling that their child is not hearing well even if they can’t pinpoint any of the above. If you are ever concerned that your child is not hearing well, a hearing test can let you know if this is the case or reassure you. Do not ever be worried that the test results might come back normal – this is a good thing!
What Should I Do if I Think My Child Needs a Hearing Test?
If you think your child may have a hearing loss, the best place to start is to book them in to have a hearing test with your local independent hearing clinic. By seeing your local independent hearing clinic, not only can you be sure your child will receive the best independent advice for their needs, but you are also supporting a business within your local community.
You can find your local independent hearing clinic, through Find My Hearing Clinic – Clinic Locator