Hearing aids

Improving your hearing, connections & relationships

What types are there, and what can they do?

Benefits of hearing aids

People with a diagnosed hearing loss can benefit from hearing aids. There are a number of commonalities when it comes to hearing loss that many experience, starting with the ability to hear and understand conversations becoming more and more difficult. This can cause people to isolate and withdraw from social situations and relationships, reducing their quality of life and effecting their overall mental and physical wellbeing. Conversations are what connect us to our family, our friends and our community. Hearing aids are small medical devices that assist people with hearing loss in hearing more clearly in order to communicate more easily and effectively. Hearing aids not only aim to improve an individual’s hearing sensitivity, but also a person’s social-emotional and physical wellbeing. However, hearing aids are only an aid and they do not return a person’s hearing to normal once a hearing loss is experienced. Hearing aids come in many different models, styles, shapes and sizes. They also have numerous features and benefits. It can be a confusing experience and deciding on the right hearing aid can be very overwhelming without the support and guidance from an independent hearing care professional.

About today’s hearing aids

They have sure come along way …

  • Connect to your mobile phone, and answer and manage calls hands-free!
  • Connect directly to your television so you can hear and stream your favourite show straight to your hearing aids
  • Connect to GPS, the car radio, your favourite music, and so much more
  • Have rechargeable batteries, meaning you can charge and go, just like your mobile phone, with no fiddly batteries to change
  • Some models offer fall detection and fall alerts
  • Can be waterproof and sweatproof
  • Monitor heart, steps and other
  • Can emphasise sounds coming from specific directions
  • Differentiate types of sound and reduce background noise
  • Can recognise a hearing environment and automatically adapts to the situations for the hearing aid wearer
woman with hearing aid doing workout
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Prescription fit

Hearing aids are programmed by a hearing care professional that has trained as an audiologist or audiometrist, and are fit specifically to you, your ears, and your hearing loss. Your hearing aids are fit to a prescription target, just like getting glasses. This means a hearing aid is unique to each ear and is adjusted depending on how much amplification and clarity you require to hear at your best.
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The right support is crucial

Your independent hearing care provider (iHCP) is there to explain the differences in hearing aid technology and assist you in understanding which hearing aids will provide you with the most benefit depending on many factors such as your hearing loss, lifestyle, your ear anatomy, dexterity, vision, and potential cosmetic concerns.

What makes for successful hearing?

Your motivation

Family at market

The number one factor for success with using hearing aids is the need to be motivated. Hearing aids do not work if you are not motivated to wear them and to reap their benefits. Your independent hearing care professional (iHCP) will work with you to identify if you are ready for hearing aids and if you are going ahead with hearing aids for the right reasons, to ensure you are not wasting time or money. Hearing aids have the capacity to assist with your physical and emotional wellbeing and reduce the risk of cognitive decline.

Independent Hearing Care Professionals (iHCP) provide you with a thorough understanding of different hearing aids and to understand how the can support you in achieving your goals. The work that your Clinician does to fit, fine tune and program a hearing aid can make the greatest difference to the outcomes you experience. It is beneficial to seek out your local independent hearing clinic as they can provide you access to all brands, manufacturers, styles, and types of hearing aids available in Australia.

Independent audiology clinics carry a wide range of high quality and high-performance hearing aids across a number of technology levels and price ranges from a number of hearing aid manufacturers for you to trial and compare. Not all hearing clinics are independent! So be sure you ask!

Different styles

Hearing aids come in a number of styles which determine the size and where the hearing aid sits in your ear.

The smallest device is an invisible in the canal (IIC) device and then going larger there is a completely in the canal (CIC), in the canal (ITC), in the ear (ITE), receiver in the canal or in the ear (RIC/RITE) and behind the ear (BTE) hearings aids.

Your iHCP helps to evaluate what size hearing aid would be appropriate for your ear and your hearing loss.

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Make an appointment with your audiologist

Take action

Hearing aids do not restore your hearing to normal, but they can have a significant positive improvement on your ability to communicate and connect with those around you easily and effectively. Audiologists are an essential part of your hearing journey, and their involvement has a substantial impact on the outcomes you achieve with their support.

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